Wellness Tea Variety

Wellness Tea Variety


1oz. pouch of each, Rest Tea, Energy Tea, and Detox Tea.

Rest Tea: chamomile, peppermint, sencha leaf green tea decaffeinated, skullcap herb, wood betony, catnip herb and stevia leaf. All ingredients are organic.

Herbal Tea | Caffeine Free

Energy Tea: A blend of berry, ginkgo leaf, young hyson tea, eleuthero root, gotu kola, licorice root and ginger root. All ingredients are organic.

Green Tea | Medium Caffeine

Detox Tea: burdock root, dandelion root, peppermint leaf, red clover blossom, licorice root, yellowdock root, and ginger root. All ingredients are organic.

Herbal Tea | Caffeine Free

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